‘My Chat with GPT’ An Artificial Intelligence Handbook for Cyber Citizens released


My Chat with GPT is an Artificial Intelligence (AI) Handbook for Cyber Citizens in eBook form is now available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble. Hard copy will be available soon.

The handbook is based on a personal conversation I had with ChatGPT about where computer programming and the human environment intersect. I’m a user of Artificial Intelligence (AI) but don’t know much about how it works other than prompting GPT and asking responses to questions I posed.

I recently gave an AI workshop at the Audio Video Expo in Denver, Colorado. Since the audience comprised people involved in digital technology, I presented about how AI affects individuals and the creative industries. The open conversation was dynamic and included healthcare, financial, and banking vulnerabilities.

Human error is the general entry point for bad actors infiltrating an organization’s computer network. Those include opening an alarming email that releases digital entities, including AI, that enter and compromise operating systems.

Over a few days, I went to the source and interviewed ChatGPT about some of my concerns about AI and its effects on everyday people.